Friday, June 29, 2012

What's wrong with Amsterdam?

Spending the day wandering through the streets of Amsterdam and admiring the city's virtually seamless integration of bicycles, pedestrians, transit, private vehicles, and even freight made me think: What do the local people actually traveling through these streets complain about?  I mean, it seems that no matter where someone lives, they have negative opinions about the state of their local transportation.  "Man, buses here are so much slower than in _________" or "Biking in ________ is way better" etc etc.

So I'm hoping that while I'm here I'll be able to get some perspectives from Dutch people who would take issue with my making eye-love to their traffic strategies and street design - not just because it creeps them out, but because they don't wear the same rose-colored shades.


  1. What's wrong with Amsterdam?? Obviously, Jake, the answer to that question is the Red Light District. I mean, who would really want to drive/bike through a part of town where you're always hitting red lights? It would take forever to get anywhere! I can just imagine the frustration...Maybe you should suggest that they change the Red Light District to the Green Light District? (That IS what the Red Light District means, right?)

  2. You're a genius, Keliann. You just made 6 urban planning grad students laugh - and we're a pretty cynical bunch.
